Friday, February 7, 2014

The Grande Map for Minecraft

The Grande Map

Over 7 hours of tireless work has been spent to make the “perfect grand house” idea that me and my friends originally had in mind. From the forming of concept to the actual build, the grande is a house of extreme modernity and brings fourth an even more contemporary type of construction than the houses that are seen regularly on PMC. With the curve shapes and seamless fusion between one unit to another, the grande sits on a mountain to show what is known as a monumental feat.
The below is original sketch of the house made by muumaamee.

With a bold and daring approach, we wanted to take curvature to the next level. Not only did we step out of our comfort zone, we managed to create something more spectacular than we originally had in mind.

As usual, furnishing was difficult and it took us a long time to decide what to put where. In the build, we have attempted something that we would call, the blending of farming and construction into one build. If you look inside the building, you will find that there is actually a lot of farm related materials that has been successfully integrated in the build. Not only does it create a sense of environment from within the build, it also creates a soothing atmosphere for those who walk inside the house.


Download The Grande Map for Minecraft

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